6 Helpful Suggestions On How To Do A Narrative Essay

Narrative essay writing involves telling fictional or non-fictional stories. In fictional writing, one requires expansive imagination while in non-fictional writing; writers should dwell on facts about matters in question. Success in narration not only depends on the nature of the story given but also how a person does the following:

  1. Select characters: Development of narration is sometimes dependent on how many characters are chosen, among many other factors. For instance, choosing many characters might mean establishing additional interactions in the story. More literature is used to define, build, influence and develop those interactions. Consider choosing a protagonist and an antagonist in any story. The former is a person who, for instance, supports an idea in order to initially present/roll out a story or idea to the audience, while the latter opposes him or initial ideas. This will allow development of varied opinions on a subject.
  2. A good plot: these are events that take place in the story. They are the events carried out by a given character or number of them. Selection of a good plot not only makes a narrative essay interesting to read, but also does it make it enjoyable to write the work.
  3. Conflict development: differing points of view, interests and actions by protagonists will seem to anger, please, deceive or agitate the antagonists, who will act in response.
  4. Setting: the time and location in which events unfold are important in writing narrative essays. Conflicts happen within the limits of time and locations. The validity of conflicts, events and interests is also judged based on time and location. Some can appear to be obviously false to readers, for instance a conflict relating to a cell phone and taking place in the 1800.
  5. Developing points of view: This depends on whether the writer is a character in the story or not. If the writer is a character, the narrative essay is developed in the first person and in third person if he is not part of it.
  6. Nature of developing the story: This relates to the ability of the writer to link existing thoughts and ideas and to create new ones. Fictional writing largely dwells on creation of thoughts. Any story should be developed while considering how one issue leads to another and how they relate. Thoughts and ideas that relate to each other should, for instance be linked in a paragraph. This helps the writer to avoid repetitions.

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