Basic Recommendations On How To Write An Essay In 60 Minutes

Writing an essay seems a passable job for decent students; but when you are required to place all the resurgent spices and matters of authority in the piece; it becomes a bit cumbersome. The first sentence that emerges in your mind is that ‘You need time.’

Keep pointers in mind

Therefore, it becomes all the more uphill when there are time constraints. However, if you keep certain tenets in mind; you can toe the line and walk the ropes with consistency and confidence. Here is the key

  • Choose topic you are comfortable on – When you choose a comfortable topic, you feel charged to find out more about it. This innate strength is hard to conjure for topics that keep you all at sea.
  • Keep the structure in mind – Overall, the Introduction and Conclusion should be similarly sized. It is the body that creeps up the maximum questions. Ideally, this is constituted of 3 paragraphs of almost equal length. Yes, you cannot compromise on substance.
  • Jot down points – You should jot down 4-5 essential points in reference to the topic. It helps if you have a moving example up your sleeves. Plan fast as to how you will place these points and how you will sequentially your piece through them.
  • Point of assertion – There has to be a standing motif; something which you stand by throughout the piece. It should ooze its essence through the carefully cultivated tone and diction. You should practice to be smart at discerning the motif in regard to a topic in order to manage time.
  • Point of conflict – You should ingratiate the quality to leave areas for open debate. This helps in indulging readers and makes them able participants. This is a direct road to popularity. This again comes with practice and also from the fact that the topic is a comfortable one.
  • Synthesis of perspectives – Think of the topic from different standpoints and you will get different perspectives. You can add those of the luminaries to your ones and synthesize the perspectives in a meaningful medley.

A natural process

When you are confident about the mentioned pointers, the essay automatically becomes natural and self-sustaining. The time management becomes a secondary issue and you don’t feel an itch while writing the piece within an hour. It is of course better if you get more time to pen the piece.

Keep your wits about you and you will find the path easy enough to pave.

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