A Fail-Safe Method To Write A Nursing Mentorship Essay

The mentorship is an important essay assignment required of students in most nursing programs, as a means to determine individuals’ knowledge and approach in the field. If you are a nursing student you are likely to write this kind of assignments at some point, and while an effective way of learning how to compose one properly is to read examples of this kind of essay, it’s best for you to know the basic and fail-safe method to write one:

Start by selecting an original topic

Brainstorm a few ideas and write the ones that interest you the most. Reread the assignment prompt to ensure you have all the details cleared up before you commit too much time or energy into one area. Be sure your topic is manageable – not too broad or too narrow. And the most important is that it’s something you are interested in.

Conduct some background research

After you’ve selected a topic for your paper you should start finding out as much information as you can about the issues or questions surrounding the topic. You can look up basic keywords and terms online, but you should focus most of your work conducting in-depth research at the library where you will have access to academic resources.

Craft a thesis statement and outline

Look over your notes and organize them into related discussion topics. You should be able to formulate a draft thesis statement to help guide your first draft. It would also help to create an outline of your content that you can organize in a logical manner to keep with you as you write the first draft of your nursing mentorship paper.

Write the first essay draft quickly

Experts agree the best approach for writing the first draft is to do so quickly and efficiently. This allows you to get down all of your best ideas as they come up in your mind. Don’t break momentum by stopping to make corrections to grammar, spelling or punctuation. You will have plenty of opportunities to make these fixes at later stages.

Revise, edit and proofread the essay

Before submitting your nursing assignment, you should give yourself plenty of time to revise, edit and proofread it in its entirety to ensure you’re presenting the best work possible. Do each of these steps separately and attentively to ensure that you’ve fixed every sentence and made corrections to all errors. If possible, have someone else read the work before handing it in, just to get another opinion.

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