6 Basic Rules Of Writing An Essay About Yourself In The Future

Writing an essay about your future self – whether you are discussing your career or how you see your personal life – is a great way to show college admissions and scholarship committees how you will use your education. There are other kinds of assignments that may ask you to write about this topic, so knowing this six basic rules will help you compose a great paper:

Rule #1) Brainstorm Ideas About Your Future Self

You don’t need to be 100% certain of where you will be doing in the future, so feel free to brainstorm several fun and creative ideas. No one should discourage you or make you feel embarrassed about your choice, so go ahead and put down whatever comes to mind. Select your best ideas to focus on and develop further.

Rule #2) Uncover the Main Point or Argument

Your paper should have a strong main point or argument. Take the best ideas from the step above and see if you can focus any one of them to a single discussion point you will want to present to the reader. Consider using the following statement as a guide: this is what I am going to write about. Next, simply develop your idea so that it’s a single focused topic.

Rule #3) Start Freewriting Your Paper Assignment

Remember that this assignment encourages you to tell a story; this is essentially the heart of your paper. So, it’s best to simply start freewriting around your chosen topic. Bring up a lot of details and supporting examples to bring your main argument to life and make your assignment memorable.

Rule #4) Finish Your Paper with a Lasting Impression

Be sure you finish your assignment with a bang. It would be good to employ some of the ending strategies you use when composing other kinds of assignments. Come back to the themes you introduce in the introduction or leave the reader with some other kind of lasting impression.

Rule #5) Read Your Paper Aloud and Revise Content

Put your first draft aside for a day or two so that you can return to make revisions with a fresh eye. It might help to read your paper aloud so that you can put yourself in the place of your audience. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t sound right, change it.

Rule #6) Edit and Proofread Your Essay Assignment

Finally, be sure you completely edit and proofread your essay assignment before submitting it. Be sure to do these last two phases after setting your paper aside for another day or two so that you can review it with a critical eye. After reviewing your assignment it would help to have someone else read it to catch anything you may have missed.

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