How To Write A Business Essay Using An Example: Helpful Hints

When it is time to write that business essay, you may find out rather quickly that using an example essay is a perfect way to write an effective piece. However, if you get that example and not really know how to utilize it, then it isn’t much help after all. Here are some helpful hints to show you how to effectively utilize that example essay.

Read it through

Read through the example a few times to get the best idea of the overall tone for your paper. It is the best way to get an idea of how the paper should sound.

Break it down

Create an outline from the paper. You will notice that each of the paragraphs serves a purpose and that the first sentence is usually what the paper is about. Find any transitional phrases or words that are used in the piece. Locate the thesis.

Create your outline

Now create your outline mimicking the way that the example essay was written. You can use the same format and put the various pieces in the same spot. You can use the transitional phrases if they are generic, however, a more powerful paper creates specific links between ideas. You will be able to get a lot out of the sample paper.

Write your draft

Now flesh your outline out to your first draft. Notice how you will need to explain each of your topics using evidence. The evidence should also be explained to express exactly how it proves your points. The background information has to be included for those people that have no prior knowledge of your subject.


The editing process if very important. You need to make sure that you read it through and fix all of the errors. It is really important to edit your piece of any spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. You will also want to make sure that what you wrote makes sense and follows a logical flow. You will want to read it out loud. It is the easiest way to identify some of the errors that may be missed otherwise.

Another website that can help you is this one. It is the best choice because of how comprehensive it is. There are so many sites out there and you need to know which ones are worthy of your time.

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